Look no further! You found it! An interesting conversation with a potential new client sparked this blog post. I am very confident in my skills and am well equip to handle most cases I am presented with. With just over 6 years experience in the therapeutic massage field, I am no longer surprised by the number of individuals that come to me saying they don't know what else to do. Time after time I have had reports of clients going to spa's or chain massage businesses that leave unsatisfied with the results. In many of these cases it is because those companies hire students or newly certified practitioners. This can have good and bad results, many new massage professionals have not gained enough confidence in the field...especially in regards to deep tissue. I encourage those looking for a great session to try independent massage pros...these are the ones that have to rely on their skill to stay afloat! And just like bigger is not always better, expensive does not mean better skill.
I try and keep my prices very reasonable. But in the past year I have found that massage therapy is certainly not recession proof. I still refuse to raise my prices and continue to uphold large standards in my practice and for each individual client. You are all very important to me and help keep me alive. I love what I do, and would hate for a day to come where I am not able to do it! I look forward to many more years in the massage field and I hope to continue to see each and every one of you. If I have yet to see you, I hope to see you soon! Please message me at www.kneads4knots.com and schedule soon!
Getting a massage may be the best feeling in the world for you, but my happiness comes from being able to give that to you!
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