Monday, January 9, 2012

Get To Know Me

A book I highly recommend is:The 5 Languages of Love by Gary Chapman.  This book gives great insight on how people love differently.  I struggled with the topic until I read this book!
A movie I watch over and over is:Step Brothers...or really any comedy!  I love to laugh!
A T.V. show I watch regularly is:Grey's Anatomy, Once Upon A Time...but I don't watch a whole lot of tv
I love to collect:Sorry, Stories/Books/Memories...I love gaining knowledge!
My favorite thing to buy is:Cotton Candy!  It always makes me happy!
A smell that makes me pause is:Cookies/anything baking!
My favorite sport to watch is:Football!!
My favorite restaurant is:This changes ALL the time, but currently The Black Sheep
A moment when I achieved absolute happiness was:When I my dog Lady accepted and fell in love with my boyfriend, Martin
The music I listen to most is:Everything, seriously...I love music!  I guess if I had to pick a category it would be Latin music lately.
My earliest memory is:It's actually more of a dream I had as a kid...I used to get this dream all the time that I was being chased by the purple guy from the McDonald's advertisements.  
My favorite flower is:Cal Lilly and Yellow Roses
A game I like to play is:Apples to Apples
My favorite hobby is:Baking!!  I love to Bake!!
A singer or band I currently listen to the most is:Adele...her voice is so soothing
My favorite quote is:"Live well, love deeply, regret nothing"
I drive a:2004 Honda Civic
If my house was burning down and I could only rescue three things, they would be:My dog Lady, My Massage Table, and my favorite book...and I would wake everyone else up to save their 3 things!
The city I would most like to visit is:Quito, Ecuador...I would love to see and experience the culture my boyfriend grew up in.
My favorite meal is:Mac & Cheese, My mom's bbq, sweet tea!
Someone or something that made me laugh this week was:My dog Lady is always doing silly things...and this is a bit inappropriate...but she has taken to farting like a human and acting like she didn't do it lately.
My first paying job was:Receptionist at CVD and Aegis Applied Films in Ashland
The memory that still makes me laugh is:When my baby sister was 4, she had an incident with a marble that will always make me cry in laughter!
My best birthday was:I would have to say my birthdays are always memorable but not always in a good way.  But I would say my birthday this year was the best in a long time!  I got to spend it exactly how I wanted and was showered with love.  And it was my boyfriend and I's I was extremely happy!
A smell that reminds me of my childhood is:Cabbage cooking...I love that smell!
The story behind my name is:Ashlee is a name that my mom really loved (it was one of the soap opera characters).  But I get the "lee" spelling b/c my dad's middle name is Lee.  My middle name is my grandma's (on my mom's side) name.
My favorite color to wear is:Brown
My strangest possession is:I'm not sure that I have one?
My favorite dessert is:Apple Pie
When I exercise, I like to:I typically don't like to exercise, but I do.  So I like to do things that keep my mind away from what I'm actually doing.  This is one of the only times I watch tv
My favorite thing to do on a date is:Have one on one time with Martin, and the best is when we get to experience something together for the first time.
The best vacation I ever had was:The beach at any point in my life!  I love the beach and I am NEVER unhappy there!  Not that I'm a regular unhappy person, but I particularly love to be at the beach.
The best thing about being in a relationship is:Martin is my best friend and its great to talk to him about the important things. I know he cares a lot about my life...and he can always make me laugh!
The thing I am most passionate about is:Building a great and rewarding life. You need to stick to it even when its hard.
How did you meet your partner?Haha, a long story short...through an e-mail.  We lived in the same building for a VERY short amount of time 3 years ago.
What will be a tradition you start in 2012?I would like to start making an important trip every year if I can afford it.
What is the ugliest animal?That ugly dog that wins the ugliest dog contest every year. Its really ugly.

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